Tim Kloos - October 15th, 2013
We were recently asked to perform some updates for a website. They specialize in selling used and new medical diagnostic machines.
During the update process, I noticed that I wanted to find a certain product. This was a bit difficult as they have a rather large catalog. I wished the site had a search utility.
I contacted the site owner and asked if they'd like to have a search utility installed on the site. We showed him how the utility would function and how it would look. He was happy with what he saw so it was made live.
The search utility itself is actually a rather easy tool to create. This one uses google's index of the site. Some some web sites use use their own database to search for the entered terms. While they can get more customized searches there is more labor that goes into that solution.
ncdmedical.com has a wide variety of web pages - making a search utility a perfect addition to their site. If you're interested in finding out how we can put a search tool on your website contact us.